
Pilates for Complete Beginners

The Beginners Group Class will provide you with a good grounding in basic technique. These classes will incorporate elements such as Back Care, Joint Stability, Posture, and Pelvic Floor Exercises. If you are new to Pilates and don’t feel you have the confidence to start a group class straight away a One-to-One Complete Beginners Session may help you to build the skills & confidence to enable you to join a Group Class when appropriate. You will be practicing Pilates in a relaxed environment and will benefit from a more individualised approach, and a personal posture analysis and programme tailor made to your needs. The Beginners Sessions will help you to understand and start to put into practice the principals of good posture.

Pilates Post Surgery

Pilates exercise can help to prepare you prior to having surgery and can assist in recovery and rehabilitation post surgery. This may be of particular benefit if you are having Joint Replacement Surgery, Spinal Surgery and other Orthopaedic Surgeries (knee, hip, shoulder etc.). An individual programme and One-to-One session will enable you to continue to make progress once your hospital rehab has been completed. The aim will be to help you address problems that you may be experiencing with activities of daily living and to enable you to return to the activities and hobbies that you love.   

Side flexion

Pilates to Improve Posture

Would you like to improve your posture and address the aches and pains that can be the result of spending long periods of time at work/home sitting at a computer, or hunched over lap tops and tablets? We all sit for prolonged periods at work, in cars and at home and this is part and parcel of modern living. The Pilates Group Class and One-to-One Sessions will help you to focus your awareness of your own posture & habits and will enable you to work towards improvement and adopting a more Efficient Posture. The goal would be to aim to address the problems that can occur from our lifestyle or occupation, such as muscle imbalance, posture problems and pain. 

Zoom class

One-to-One Pilates Sessions

The One-to-One Pilates Session will meet the needs of those who are complete beginners, or those who have complex medical conditions which cannot be accomodated sufficiently in a standard Group Pilates Class. It will also be of benefit if you are a busy individual who may prefer the convenience of a one-to-one session at a time of your choice and if you would otherwise find it difficult to commit to a weekly scheduled group session. This allows you the flexibility you may need to fit Pilates into your personal timetable.  

Pilates for Fit, Active Individuals

Pilates can help you improve your performance in your sport or activity of choice, and can also help to prevent injury and assist in recovery from injury. You will be able to focus on improving joint stability, core strength, posture and will identify areas of muscle imbalance.

Pilates for Bone Health

Have you recently had a diagnosis, of Osteoporosis or Osteopenia, or have you been told that you have Low Bone Density? Would you like some guidance on the type of exercise that you should be doing to improve bone density and which activities you may need to modify. A suitable programme will be devised which will include bone loading impact exercises (at the appropriate level), strength training, and exercises to improve and challenge your balance. Back care exercises will be included to improve posture and manage any pain,  especially for those with vertebral fragility fractures.

Diamond Pilates for the Pelvic Floor

This One-to One Programme will be of particular benefit if you are are suffering from stress incontinence, other continence issues, and prolapse. You will learn the skills necessary to practice pelvic floor exercises effectively and the goal will be to improve the health and function of your pelvic floor. This may be a problem that you have not yet felt comfortable discussing with your health care provider or family, so the session will provide you with a private forum to discuss the problems you have been experiencing and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Pelvic Floor Exercises are included in all the different Group Classes and Pelvic Floor health is something we should all be aware of and we can all be working to avoid future problems. Pelvic floor problems may affect us at any stage in our life span, during and post pregnancy, & during perimenopause, menopause & post menopause. Problems can also occur post surgery, eg. hip replacement surgery and prostate surgery.